A Pilates Journey with Multiple Sclerosis

In my decades of teaching Pilates - to clients and in education programs for rehab and fitness professionals, I have seen Pilates leave a strong impact.  

Whatever the background and goals of the individual – fitness, rehab, lifestyle-related concerns, special populations with health and medical problems, a well-designed Pilates program helps address and improve an individual’s ability to lead an active lifestyle.


Only you can make it happen.
With Pilates to help strengthen you, inside and out.

- Anjali Sareen


I share here a personal account of one such person whose life has been positively impacted with Pilates.

"It has been a journey for me and a long one at that. I discovered The Zone Mind and Body Studio through a friend. In twenty years of having MS (multiple sclerosis), I have tried everything.  

Pilates was new to me. I am already weak and have spasticity on my bad days and it hurts. When I first met Anjali and Sharat it was not some miracle they were aiming for. They believed and rightly so, that this would make me better, fitter and it did. They tailor-made my sessions and we plunged right into it.  

The results were not overnight. It has been just a year and I can feel it working. My strength has gradually improved. Being able to stand long hours, posture correction, and most importantly, taking my dog for a walk.

I take some very heavy medications. These injections drain all the energy I have. What has changed now, is my ability to still be on my medication, take an injection and send Anjali a video of me dancing to my song of the month.

With such a chronic condition we tend to lose our muscle memory.  Doing Pilates has helped me get that back. Something as simple as walking correctly. One needs to understand that this is a way of life.
You need to concentrate on your position, your breathing, and on strengthening all at the same time. I also have a great trainer supporting me at Zone. They concentrate on all aspects that can help you. They look at your needs and help you out.

I am loving every minute of it. I am more confident and definitely not scared anymore. I look forward to my sessions because they are a total delight. I walk out smiling and that says something."


The individual would prefer to stay anonymous for personal and professional reasons.

A strong reason for sharing this is our hope that this reaches out to others who have an autoimmune disease or other concerns, and they feel encouraged knowing there are ways to improve their quality of daily living.


Pilates is meditative. Pilates is therapy.
Pilates is strength. For the body and the mind.

- Anjali Sareen


Read more about The Zone Program for Rehabilitation and strengthening for Special Populations.


When life comes full circle


How Things Look