When life comes full circle

How do you feel when you get to complete a cycle that brings you back to the beginning? The last 4 weeks have left me with a sense of just what that feels like!

Getting to introduce the world of Pilates to a 15-year-old is anyway something I would enjoy. But the fact that she is about the same age when her mother first started working out with me, made it so very special!

Having always worked out only with me, starting from her high school years through her adult life, Akshta has firmly maintained her passion for fitness has stayed with her because of how she started. It’s what made her stay connected, with regular visits even after she re-located.

So, this year she was adamant that Riana start with me. All the more significant as this was the age when she had first started her fitness journey and she wanted Riana to start right.


Riana used to run, in fact she was a sprinter, and though I hadn’t seen her for a few years, through Akshta, I knew her interest had waned. Not just in running, she wasn’t much interested in working out or “fitness-related stuff”.

So, we started. I remember asking her, at the end of the first session, if she wanted to continue. And she replied, “Oh yeah, this was fun”.

A week later with a look of surprised joy she exclaimed, “This has become easy!”.
And then she looked at me and said, “The first class it was so difficult. But I did not want to tell you.”

When I asked her what made her continue, “It felt hard but fun, I wanted to do more.”

And after that for the next 4 weeks she came in practically daily, all of her own accord with no push from her mum or me.
The few days we didn’t have a session left her declaring, with a roll of her eyes, “But my day doesn’t start right!!”
Leaving Akshta and me looking at each other – was this the girl we had been skeptical would actually agree to come workout?!



A teenager’s Pilates perspective

“How can anyone not like Pilates?! What’s there not to like? I can do this every day – it’s such a great way to exercise!”

All this from someone who had disliked exercising and, in her words, “I don’t enjoy exercise and don’t want to do it”.

Somewhere in our third week, Riana was sharing her day’s plans that involved going go-karting and that she actually didn’t enjoy it much.
And then, a few minutes later she left me speechless when she thought out loud, “Pilates should be ‘a thing’ that you can do with your friends. ‘Like, let’s go do some Pilates and hang out together’.

I mean really!!!!!
I was blown (and that’s something that doesn’t happen easily to me).


And there it was, life coming full circle.

Going back, over two decades ago, the memories are still vivid. Akshta’s enthusiasm and energy while working out used to be such a motivator for others and now, to see her daughter develop the same!

This last month, Riana showed focus, discipline and worked hard. All the time also really enjoying what she was doing.
And most importantly very motivated.

In her words, “I feel different. Stronger.”

For me, it was a joy to see her develop this feeling of wonder and fascination, that she had discovered exercise that she could love so much.
Doubled by the look of absolute satisfaction and happiness on Akshta’s face, seeing her daughter’s new-found enthusiasm!

Her posture has changed, she is swimming much stronger, and there is this great energy around her. Right from the moment she walks into the studio with that look about her that says let’s go!

And she’s ready to get back into her running! The confidence she had lost in her ability to run is back. She’s excited and raring to go!

Her parting words to me - “I want to learn more and work on all the other Pilates machines when I come next!”

I have always maintained, finding the right activity for children and young adults is important. For that will help them develop a connect that can motivate them to carry a fitness and exercise program for life.

When they are young, through the right training programs, if we are able to encourage good posture and instill the importance of correct movement patterns - it will hold them in good stead through their lives.

Whether they are sitting at their desks, playing a sport, doing athletics, dramatics - just about anything, they will be confident and strong in their bodies. Staying injury-free and moving effectively and efficiently! Always energised!


Know more about our fitness program for sports and athletics.

Read more about Anjali and her team’s approach to fitness and movement.


A Pilates Journey with Multiple Sclerosis